§ 2-243. Purpose, membership, and functions.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Purpose of the committee. The provision of adequate roads is critical to the future prosperity of Pickens County and the safety of its citizens, and the provision of adequate roads requires extensive long range planning from a broad array of stakeholders, and

    Whereas, the South Carolina Department of Transportation has established a long range transportation planning process calling for the development and ongoing maintenance of a regional transportation program by the Appalachian Council of Governments, and

    Whereas, the Appalachian Council of Governments desires clear recommendations on road improvement priorities from all levels of government in Pickens County;

    Now therefore, Pickens County Council, through the adoption of this division does here by create a broad based Pickens County Long Range Transportation Advisory Committee that will have the responsibility of analyzing transportation issues in the county, establishing road development priorities, and submitting recommendation to the Appalachian Council of Governments for inclusion in the Appalachian Regional Transportation Improvement Program.


    Membership composition of the committee. The Pickens County Long Range Transportation Advisory Committee shall be composed of the following membership:

    • Two members of Pickens County municipalities consisting of:

    - Chairman of the Municipal Association

    - Municipal Association ACOG Board appointee

    • Two members of the Pickens County Legislative Delegation, appointed by the Delegation

    • Two members of the Pickens County Council consisting of:

    -Chairman of the Pickens County Council

    -County council member ACOG Board appointee (if the chairman of council happens to be the ACOG board appointee, the chairman will appoint another member of Council)

    • Chairman of the Pickens County Planning Commission

    • Director of the Pickens County Economic Development Alliance

    • Chairman of the "C" Fund Committee


    Criteria for selecting members and terms of service. Criteria for selecting appointees to the committee and terms of service shall be at the discretion of each entity identified to appoint a committee member.


    Rules for procedure.


    The committee may adopt by-laws or rules of procedure. In the absence of such by-laws or rules, parliamentary procedure, as outlined in Roberts Rules of Order, shall govern the conduct of business of the committee.


    The committee may establish a procedure for selecting a chairman and may establish a term of service for the chairman.


    A meeting agenda must be provided at least 48 hours prior to any meeting of the committee. At a minimum, the agenda shall be distributed to any media outlet that receives agendas for meetings of the Pickens County Council, as well as any media outlet, individual, or legal entity who submits a written request to receive committee agendas.


    Functions and responsibilities of the committee. The Pickens County Long Range Transportation Advisory Committee shall be responsible for and shall have the authority to develop long range transportation plans for the county, which shall include a road development prioritization list. In carrying out this responsibility, the committee shall consider the following:


    Demographic, economic development, and growth data and projections, as developed by the Pickens County Planning Commission, Pickens County Economic Development Alliance, and the Appalachian Council of Governments.


    Traffic count data and future projections, as developed by the South Carolina Department of Transportation, and vehicular accident data, as developed by the South Carolina Department of Public Safety.


    Existing plans, the Pickens County Comprehensive Plan, and other planning documents and recommendations, as provided by the Pickens County Planning Commission.


    Existing plans, input and recommendations, as provided by municipalities in Pickens County.


    The coordination of road development projects with projects in adjoining counties, as well as the coordination of projects with improvements authorized by the Pickens County Transportation (C Fund) Committee.


    [Reports.] Any other reports, plans, documents, recommendations, or input, as identified by the committee as relevant to transportation planning.


    Each year, the Pickens County Long Range Transportation Advisory Committee shall submit to the Appalachian Council of Governments a report outlining road development project priorities in Pickens County. The Pickens County portion of the Appalachian Regional Transportation Improvement Program, as approved by the Board of Directors of the Appalachian Council of Governments shall reflect the project priorities as included in the Pickens County Long Range Transportation Advisory Committee report.


    The Pickens County Long Range Transportation Advisory Committee may consider and report on any other transportation issues affecting Pickens County. Such issues may be identified by the committee or may be referred to the committee by the Pickens County Legislative Delegation, the Pickens County Council, the Pickens County Planning Commission, the Pickens County Economic Development Alliance, the governing body of any municipality in Pickens County, the Appalachian Council of Governments, the South Carolina Department of Transportation, or any other entity with a stake in transportation planning in Pickens County.

(Ord. No. 286, § 3, 6-3-2002)